Rewired 2021

Agency: Digital Health Intelligence

Rewired was launched in 2019 as a live one-day exhibition and conference. Topically, Rewired 2020 was the last live in-person event run at Olympia, London before the national COVID lockdown. Rewired 2021 was devised as a virtual event due to COVID restrictions. Our objectives centred on attracting a senior audience from our NHS community and giving our commercial sponsors valued engagement even in this virtual format. Internally we were seeking to make some profits to contribute to our dissipated regular in-person events calendar. We also wanted to successfully produce a standout 5-day virtual IT healthcare Festival, something that no-one else delivered. The event was curated with quality content as a forefront, across a wide range of NHS IT healthcare areas of expertise. This diverse offering allowed us to access a wide range of NHS clinicians and IT professionals for at least one part of the week. Other more general sessions also allowed us to give our national NHS policy and strategy makers from NHS England, NHS Digital and NHSX to brief their colleagues on exciting new projects and support for their work at the coalface. We were delighted to also have Matt Hancock – Secretary State for Health and Social Care – keynote with us, in his only conference appearance in the digital health sector this year. We aimed to be the best attended healthcare IT event of the year and we did that handsomely, plus we also fulfilled our objective of providing high quality content for our audience and the testimonials attached are amazing feedback on what we achieved. In shifting from in-person to a virtual event we also had excellent commercial success from Rewired, which for a small company like ours ensured that during the pandemic all staff were retained in their roles. A real achievement in difficult times.